Pothos Leaves Curling | Causes And Precautions

Prevent and fix Pothos leaves curling with our guide. From temperature stress to excess fertilizer, learn the common causes and solutions for curled leaves in Pothos plants. Move your plant to a room temperature area, provide fresh soil and proper drainage, and adjust light and water exposure for a healthy Pothos.

Pothos plants are popular houseplants due to their low maintenance and ability to purify the air. However, when the pothos leaves start to curl, it can be a sign of stress. Temperature stress, excess fertilizer, light exposure, pest infestations, and poor soil are some of the common causes of curled leaves in pothos plants. To fix the issue, it’s important to move your pothos to a room temperature area, water your pothos with the right amount and use fresh soil or potting soil. Additionally, if you suspect that fertilize your pothos is the cause make sure to reduce the amount of fertilizer or avoid it altogether. Also, make sure the soil is dried out before watering and provide proper draining to avoid over watering. When pothos leaves start to curl, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent damage to the stems and leaves.

Causes Of Pothos Leaves Curling


One of the biggest reasons for Pothos leaves curling is overwatering. The roots rot and die when the soil is persistently too moist because they are unable to reach the oxygen they require to thrive. In turn, this results in the plant losing its capacity to absorb water and nutrients, which causes the leaves to wilt and curl.

Before watering again, the soil must be allowed to dry completely in order to resolve the problem. Make sure the pot has bottom drainage holes so that any extra water may be easily drained. Utilizing a potting mix with sufficient drainage is another smart move. You can water your Pothos as usual when the soil has had time to dry up. It’s also crucial to keep an eye on the humidity levels in your home and make sure they are not too high


Curled Pothos leaves can also result from underwatering. The plant’s leaves will begin to wilt and curl as an indication of stress when it doesn’t get enough water.

It’s crucial to water your Pothos when the soil seems dry to the touch in order to resolve the problem. Your finger may be inserted into the soil to assess the moisture content; if it feels dry, it’s time to water. Water the plant completely, up to the point when the bottom of the pot is completely submerged in water. In order to prevent the roots from sitting in water, the pot must also have sufficient drainage. It’s recommended to immerse the entire pot in water for a few minutes if the plant is wilting and the soil is dry. The plant may require a deep soaking. The plant should recuperate and begin to unfold its leaves after it has gotten adequate water.’

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your home’s humidity levels and make sure they aren’t too low.


The leaves of the Pothos can also be influenced by temperature and become curled. The ideal temperature range for pothos plants is between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The leaves may curl as an indication of stress if the weather is extremely hot or cold.
Make sure your Pothos is located in a part of your house where the temperature stays within the appropriate range in order to resolve the problem. If the space is too warm, you might want to think about relocating the plant somewhere cooler or giving it more shade. If the space is too chilly, you might want to think about relocating the plant to a warmer location or giving it more heat using a heating pad or lamp.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that abrupt temperature changes can also stress the plant, so try to avoid transferring it regularly from one room to another or from inside to outside.

Additionally, if your location is suffering a cold snap, be careful to shield your Pothos from draughts and sudden temperature fluctuations because these conditions can also induce leaf curl


The leaves of the pothos can curl when it is humid. Between 50% and 70% humidity is ideal for pothos plants. The leaves may curl if the humidity is too low as an indication of stress.

Make sure your home’s humidity level is within Pothos’ preferred range in order to resolve the problem. A nearby humidifier or a tray filled with stones and water can also help raise the humidity level in your house. You may also spritz the plant’s leaves with water, but be careful not to mist them too frequently since this might promote the growth of fungi.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that abrupt variations in humidity might stress the plant. so try to avoid moving the plant from one room to another or from indoors to outdoors too frequently.


By consuming the plant’s sap and leaving behind honeydew, pests can cause the leaves of the Pothos to curl. The leaves might curl and become brown as a result of this. Spider mites, mealybugs, and thrips are a few typical pests that can harm Pothos plants.
The sort of pest that is harming your plant must be determined in order to be eradicated. Once the pest has been located, you can treat the plant’s leaves with an insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Spray the undersides of the leaves thoroughly since that is where bugs like to hide. Neem oil is a natural insecticide that may also be used.

Keep in mind that pests might be carried into your house as well. on new plants or on clothing or shoes, so it’s important to inspect new plants carefully and to keep your home clean.


Curled Pothos leaves can also be caused by diseases. Infections with bacteria and fungi are frequent in Pothos plants. The leaves may curl and become brown as a result of these illnesses. It’s crucial to recognise the kind of sickness your plant is suffering from in order to effectively cure a bacterial or fungal infection. Once the illness has been located, you can treat the plant with a fungicide or bactericide. Make sure to properly adhere to the product’s directions.
Keeping in mind that infections may spread fast, it’s crucial to maintain your home clean and to isolate any affected plants.

Additionally, bear in mind that prevention is essential; keep your Pothos in a clean environment to prevent illnesses and pests. and well-ventilated area, avoid overcrowding, and keep the leaves dry when watering.

How To Diagnose Pothos Leaves Curling

It’s crucial to take into account the plant’s general health as well as the environment it is growing in while diagnosing Pothos leaves curling. Here are some hints for determining the reason why Pothos leaves curl:
Make sure the soil is moist: The reason the leaves are curling may be due to persistently moist or dry soil.
Look at the temperature: If it’s too warm or too cold, it can be why the leaves are curling.
Examine the humidity: The reason why the leaves are curling might be due to an excessively low or high humidity level.

Verify for illnesses or pests: If the leaves appear to have little bugs or a sticky film on them or if they appear to be discolored or have spots, this could be a sign of pests or diseases.

When you have a broad notion of what could be causing the Pothos leaves to curl, take a photo of the plant, highlighting the symptoms (such as pests or discolouration), and consult a plant expert. You can contact a professional through internet resources or social media, go to a nearby nursery or garden shop, or both. They’ll be able to diagnose the problem more precisely and provide you recommendations on how to resolve it.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that not all occurrences of leaf curl are brought on by a single issue; rather, it’s conceivable that the plant is struggling with several problems at once. For this reason, it’s crucial to speak with a specialist who can assist you.


In conclusion, Pothos leaves curling can be caused by a variety of issues, including environmental factors such as underwatering, overwatering, temperature stress, and humidity levels that are too low or too high. Pests and diseases can also cause Pothos leaves to curl.
It’s important to take action as soon as you notice Pothos leaves curling, by identifying the cause and taking the necessary steps to fix it. This can include adjusting the water and light exposure, using fresh soil, adjusting the temperature and humidity levels, treating pests and diseases, and consulting with a plant professional.

It’s important to be patient while the plant recovers, as it may take some time for the leaves to unfurl and for the plant to return to its healthy state.

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