How To Make Pothos Leaves Bigger

Learn how to make pothos leaves bigger by providing adequate light, proper watering, fertilization. But avoid overcrowding the pot. Prune off any yellow or damaged leaves to promote healthy and new growth and achieve larger pothos leaves.

Pothos, also known as devil’s ivy, are a popular houseplant. Also known for their beautiful green leaves. These leaves can vary in size. Some being larger than others. If you are looking to make your pothos leaves bigger. There are several things you can do to achieve this. In this article, we will discuss the light requirements, watering and fertilization, pot and soil, pruning, and other tips for making pothos leaves bigger. By following these guidelines, you can help your pothos plant thrive and enjoy larger, more lush leaves.

How to Make Pothos Leaves Bigger

Light Requirements

Pothos plants need bright, indirect light to thrive. Place your plant near a window that gets plenty of natural light, but avoid direct sunlight which can scorch the leaves.

Watering and Fertilization

Water your pothos plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Use a well-draining potting mix and fertilize every 2-4 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.

Pot and Soil

Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one, with drainage holes at the bottom. Use a well-draining, peat moss-based potting mix.


Prune off any yellow or damaged leaves to promote healthy new growth. You can also pinch back the tips of the stems to encourage bushiness.

You will need:

  • Well-draining potting mix
  • Balanced fertilizer
  • Pruning scissors or shears

Light Requirement To Make Pothos leaves Bigger

One of the most important factor in increasing the size of pothos leaves is light. For proper growth and development, pothos plants require direct and strong light. Low light levels won’t bother them. However, the plant won’t grow as quickly. The leaves will also be smaller.

The area of a window is the ideal location for your pothos plant. where there is plenty of natural light for the plant. However, stay away from direct sunlight as it might burn the foliage. In the event that your window does not give enough light, you may also utilise grow lights to complement it.

After a few weeks, rotate your plant to ensure that it receives an equal quantity of light on all sides. By doing this, uneven plant growth will be avoided. and encourage thicker leaves.

In general, it is suggested that you should give your pothos plant at least 6 hours a day of bright, indirect light.

make pothos bigger

Watering and Fertilization

Making pothos leaves bigger also requires proper fertilisation and watering. Through this your plant will get all the necessary nutrients to develop and thrive.

It’s important to water your pothos plant using the “soak and dry” technique. This entails waiting until the top inch of soil has dried up before watering it once again. Don’t overwater pothos plants since they are prone to root rot.

During the growth season, it is advised to feed plants with a balanced fertiliser every 2-4 weeks. You can use liquid or slow-release fertilisers, but make sure to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations for the proper dosage and application schedule.

Additionally, make sure the container has drainage holes at the bottom and that you use potting soil that drains effectively. The ground ought to be damp but not soggy.

Your pothos plant will have the nutrients it needs to thrive and generate bigger leaves if you give it the appropriate quantity of water and fertiliser.

Pot and Soil

The container and soil that your pothos plant is grown in also have an impact on how large the leaves are.

It’s important to pick a pot that is just a little bit bigger than the existing one. As a result, the roots will have more room to expand and the plant won’t become pot-bound. To avoid waterlogging, make sure the pot includes drainage holes at the bottom.

It’s important to select a peat moss-based, well-draining potting mix for the soil. While still allowing extra water to flow away, this sort of soil will hold onto moisture. Heavy clay soils should not be used since they have poor drainage and might cause root rot.

Every one to two years, or sooner if the roots encircle the pot or the plant doesn’t seem to be developing as it should, you should think about repotting your pothos plant. The plant will receive new soil and greater room to develop as a result.

You may provide your pothos plant the ideal environment for leaf growth by choosing the proper pot and soil.

Pruning To Make Pothos Leaves Bigger

Another major element for growing pothos leaves bigger is pruning. Pruning a plant on a regular basis will keep it nice and clean and encourage healthy new growth.

It’s important to remove any yellow or damaged leaves during trimming. These leaves may sap the plant’s energy, which may impede development. To promote bushiness, it’s essential to pull back the stem tips. New leaves and shoots will grow more quickly as a result.

Pruning your pothos plant is advised, especially during the growth season, every few weeks. This will maintain the plant’s finest appearance and promote new development.

Choosing the appropriate equipment is important during pruning. To produce clean cuts, use well-kept, sharp pruning shears or scissors. This will shield the plant from harm and encourage recovery.

Pruning your pothos plant on a regular basis can promote new development and produce bigger leaves.


In conclusion, making pothos leaves bigger requires paying attention to several factors such as light, watering and fertilization, pot and soil, and pruning. Pothos plants need bright, indirect light to thrive, and it’s important to ensure that the plant is getting enough light by placing it near a window or using grow lights. Watering and fertilization

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