Pothos in Water: A Simple Guide for Indoor Gardeners

Pothos in Water: A Simple Guide for Indoor Gardeners

Using a pothos in water can provide a touch of greenery to your house. Pothos are the ideal complement to any room. As they are low maintenance, simple to maintain, and can grow in a water-based environment. Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy or Epipremnum aureum. Its a common indoor plant valued for its ease of maintenance…

Pothos Leaves Curling | Causes And Precautions

Prevent and fix Pothos leaves curling with our guide. From temperature stress to excess fertilizer, learn the common causes and solutions for curled leaves in Pothos plants. Move your plant to a room temperature area, provide fresh soil and proper drainage, and adjust light and water exposure for a healthy Pothos. Pothos plants are popular…